Have you been feeling the overwhelm, surrounded by fear and negativity, not sure what to do.  Feeling out of balance, is your life all work and no play? Too busy to  take time for yourself, or spend time away from your demanding work and home life. Feeling drained, exhausted, have nothing left to give?

Why Orca?   Orcas are at the apex or top of the food chain. They are also the largest members of the dolphin family  with very complex social structures and language. Orcas are mirrors for humans to learn from as we are the apex species on land.  There is  much we can learn from them as they live in Perfect Balance with their environment as we humans need to do.

In this webinar you will learn how to:

Embody Perfect Balance in all areas of  your life.

Live life at the Apex.

Live Fully in your Power with ease and grace.

 Gain a sense of Calm, Clarity and a renewed sense of direction.

Achieve a natural state of Abundance to be able to give back.

© Garry Henkel

Watch the replay Now!

 Align with Orca  To Live your Power with Ease and Grace

Jillian Rutledge

​     has been in direct contact with dolphins for 20 years. She is an intuitive healer, breath & life coach, yoga practitioner and freediving instructor helping you go past your fears into feeling alive. She is passionate about working cooperatively with you, in collaboration with the dolphins, whales and the ocean. She is here to enCOURAGE and mindfully guide our adventures –diving deeper into you.

​One of the most important aspects she learned was the value of conscious breathing and the freedom this practice opens in the constructs of the mind. In 2009, she transferred all of this experience into becoming a facilitator and adventure guide, assisting people to use their breath to be at ease in the ocean while demonstrating respectful and cooperative ways to interact with dolphins, facilitating a connection. 

Sign up here to learn how to Align with the Orcas!

Presents a FREE transformational  webinar

Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats

Learn how to "swim" side by side with the Orca whales to live in Perfect Balance and embody Apex, Living Fully in your Power.

Anne Gordon de Barrigón

​     Anne grew up boating in the San Juan islands in the Pacific NW of the USA watching  Orca whales.  She studied Biology and Animal Behavior in college, and has worked as a zoo keeper  and trained wild animals for educational programs in schools.  She also trained animals, both wild & domestic for the TV & film industry for over 20 years.
Anne now lives in Panama and is married to an Indigenous man from the Emberá tribe, whose family still lives in traditional villages in the jungles of Panama.  She conducts tours to the Emberá village to meet her family, whom she says, live in true Unity-Community and have the Quality of Life the rest of the world is searching for.  In other words they live much like the dolphins, a human version of a dolphin pod.  

     Anne graduated from Dolphin Heart World school to learn how to incorporate dolphin and whale life skills into her human life.  Through this school she learned and became a certified Dolphin Energy Healing practitioner.

     Anne pioneered the whale watching industry with her company Whale Watching Panama as the first and still only dedicated responsible whale watching company in the country of Panama.  Her passion is sharing her love for, connection with the whales and dolphins through her spiritually themed Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats in the Pearl Islands of Panama and around the world to help others open up a deep heart to heart connection with the dolphins and whales.

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