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International Retreat Leader, Anne Gordon has been leading  transformational Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats around the world since 2007. She loves sharing how easy and fun it is to lead your clients to making a huge transformation in their lives.


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Connect with the Orca whales, who literally embody being in balance and living in harmony with all life. They are the Apex predator, keeping the balance for the good of all.

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In this episode, your host, Anne Gordon shares the wisdom she has received direct from the Orca whales.  Anne grew up on the shores of Puget Sound, aka, the Salish Sea, where the Southern resident J, K & L Orca pods frequent.

Anne shares her experiences of seeing the Orcas in person throughout her life as well as how  they have come to her in her dreams and meditations. She felt that the presence of the Orcas has always been like the energy of a loving and protective older brother, where she always feels safe and loved when they are in her life.

She shares messages from Ruffles, the son of Granny from J pod as well as  perspective shifting messages from the Transient/Biggs Orcas too.  Orcas are the Apex predators, yet live in complete harmony with all life around them, keep the balance for the benefit of all species.

The Orcas teach the importance of being in balance and reconnecting with nature to embrace our natural place in the world as well as reconnect to the natural flow of abundance.  Listen to hear the powerful wisdom direct from the Orcas themselves.

Join Anne on Facebook in her to see video of her new octopus friend: 
Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Pod Facebook group.

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​Click here to see the Interview Consent and Release 

Show Notes

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Being in Balance with the Orcas